Lord SKC

Quantum Physics and the Bhagavad Gita

I simply completed re-perusing the Bhagavad Gita once more. As I stay here, on April first, "April Fool's Day", I ponder to myself. At the point when are we going to quit 'tricking' ourselves? At the point when are we going to shake off the chains of the one Gurdjieff symbolically calls "The Black Magician?" When are we going to break free from his sleep inducing spell called "Innovative Materialism". This capable hang on our brains. To what extent would we say we will stay snoozing to our actual reality and fate? Indeed, our nearby planetary group has circled around our galactic sun and taken up another position in space called "The Age of Aquarius." Once more our Creator God has put us in a position where the new energies of Aquarius will help stir and individualize us. These energies are for our utilization and they are streaming downward on the Earth, from the galactic sun every minute of every day. By and by, as it does like clockwork, another arrangement of laws are given to humanity. An arrangement of laws that will enable us to raise our levels of awareness and our levels of being. To by and by enable us to push ahead as individualized creatures. Towards our actual predetermination, which is to end up plainly more cognizant.

In any case, indeed the shrewd "Bhagavad Gita" has utilized the fabrication of mechanical realism (similarly as he did in Atlantis) to keep us mesmerized and far from our otherworldly legacy. He has guaranteed the Laws of Quantum Physics as his own. He is utilizing them to attempt and demonstrate the physicalness of you and I and the universe. Be that as it may, he can't on account of you, I and the universe are not physical. We are altogether profound creatures. Vibrations. Rather than utilizing the Laws of Quantum Physics to look for higher cognizance and larger amounts of being, he the considerable "Logical Materialist" is utilizing them to make humankind more mechanical inhuman. The more innovation the less most profound sense of being. The Bhagavad Gita by and by opens my eyes to the certainties that there is just a single TRUTH and it has been told from multiple points of view down through the ages, by the colossal spiritualists, mystics, sacred and savvy men. Re-perusing the Bhagavad Gita make me shake my head in ponder. I could doubtlessly observe that the discussion between Krishna, the God and Arjuna, the Warrior was a halfway clarification of what I call the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics.

5000 years prior they talked about quantum material science in an exceptional narrating way. Krishna reveals to Arjuna that he should not fear murdering anybody in fight. Nobody can be murdered or pass on. The body my kick the bucket yet not the spirit. It lives endlessly and goes up against new lives. The Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics disclose to us that there exists an endless sea of reasoning, keen vitality called the Quantum Ocean. This is extremely the Mind of God. We are singular souls who 'flicker in' and squint out' of the quantum sea with each new incarnation. We never kick the bucket. Our souls are changeless, long-lasting and unmeasurable. Tim to quit attempting to quantify us and the universe. Set away the telescopes and magnifying lens and search inside for our actual reality. Incredible men of the past have let us know "Look for Ye the kingdom of paradise inside." And, Stop looking outwards, know ye not that ye are divine beings?" The New Age of Aquarius with its new worldview of the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics will lead us out of the quagmire of mechanical realism. To start with we should understand that we are generally profound creatures living, moving and including our being inside a more noteworthy otherworldly being, we call GOD! Let us along these lines, from this day forward, "April Fools Day", not be tricked any longer. Give us a chance to be still and realize that we are Gods.

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